Archive for February, 2011

COLOR is the best!

Monday, February 21st, 2011

I love color, and that is part of the reason I am so drawn to the lovely Swarovski crystals that I work with in making my handmade jewellery. I came across this amazing Pantone Color Chart and I’m posting it here because we’ve launched a line of handcrafted crystal jewelry that is customizable in any color… Interested in your own custom jewellery? Click here

February 2011: Indigo Star’s monthly e-newsletter “SHINE” is here!

Sunday, February 6th, 2011

Welcome to Indigo Star’s monthly e-newsletter called “SHINE”! Each month we feature new and exciting jewelry creations that are fresh off the drawing board. This is a special month celebrating love and friendship and we are proud to feature a timely collection called ‘valentina‘. To view February’s issue of our newsletter pleaseĀ click here.