Archive for November, 2010


Wednesday, November 17th, 2010

Indigo Star will be taking part in the “Great Stuff” show, which is an amazing Christmas Gift Sale featuring dozens of talented artisans. What a great place to start or finish your holiday shopping! “Great Stuff” opens November 19 and runs through to December 19, 2010 at The Ferry Building (1414 Argyle Avenue) in West Vancouver, BC.

Great Stuff hours: Tuesday-Sunday 10am – 6pm and Fridays 10am – 8pm



Monday, November 8th, 2010

DSCN3230It’s hard to believe that November is upon us; it seems like summer was just yesterday we released  e-newsletter! The retail stores have got the Christmas trees all lit up and the holiday decorations are out in full force (come to think of it Costco had the stockings hung long before Halloween even arrived!). So the countdown is officially on. I don’t know about you, but when I hear how many days there are until Christmas Day, and the numbers are getting smaller and smaller, I start to panic a little. I know, you’d think it would be easy for me, just give everyone on my list jewelry, right? Well, yeah…

Seriously though, this is the time of year when our lives get hectic. People get busier, work gets busier, even the roads get busier (on top of all that construction going on). And those “to-do” and “to-get” lists get longer and longer. It’s a challenging time of year for sure. How do we keep up with the fast pace and maintain some semblance of balance and harmony when things start to get so hectic? Well, I am working on mastering that one myself, but I do know the importance of taking time out for yourself to recharge your batteries. Do something you enjoy: take a walk in nature, do yoga, read a good book… whatever it is that makes you feel revitalized and renewed.

If you read last month’s newslatter, you know that I never finished medical school and I did not become a doctor. But, as corny as it may sound, jewelry is my ‘medicine’. Jewelry is what I ‘prescribe’ to make a woman look and feel positively radiant! Go ahead, try it… Before rushing out the door, put on a pair of sterling silver earrings or that favorite necklace and you’ll be amazed how de-lightful a simple piece of jewelry can make you feel! It really does wonders.

And if you need help with your holiday shopping, we’re here for you. At Indigo Star we have something sparkly for every gal on your list; if you can’t decide what to get her, we always have gift certificates available. We’ll even wrap it up and ship it for you. Let us make your holiday shopping as it should be: easy, stress-free, and full of shine.

Introducing ‘SHINE’, Indigo Star’s new monthly e-newsletter…

Tuesday, November 2nd, 2010

October 2010

Indigo Star recently launched a new monthly e-newsletter, ‘SHINE’. Every month we will share with you the latest Indigo Star jewelry, show you ways to wear it, and other cool stuff. Click here to read October’s ‘SHINE’ .

Enjoy! Oh, and remember to sign up to be first to receive your own copy of ‘SHINE’.